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Essential Mysteries Meditations: A Lesson in Transformation

Learn to balance head and heart, how to release negative judgement of yourself and others. How to integrate grounding and centering to release stress and enhance your personal spiritual connection.

Grounding for Ease and Well-being. Beautiful and calming 20 minute guided meditation instruction on the technique of grounding and connecting with the earth.

Centering for Clarity & Wisdom. A relaxing 15 minute guided meditation on finding your center; where you can have your spiritual perspective from within the body, and activate your inner sight.

A Lesson in Transformation – (Creating and Destroying).
Clear what you no longer want. Create what you do. Own your own power and creativity. As spiritual beings we have an innate ability to learn, grow, make change and heal. This simple powerful 17 minute guided meditation, will lead you through a very simple and powerful way to work as spirit to create change – and transform energy.

Between Earth and Sky. An uplifting guided healing meditation to use for healing and reconnecting with your true self and sense of worthiness.