Robert Hughes author of Unlocking the Blueprint of the Psyche: Self-hypnosis for Modern Miracles is a Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH), who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, in the 1950′s and 60’s. After a successful career as a healthcare manager and planner, he followed his inner calling and began practicing hypnosis and hypnotherapy full time in 1994. He has worked with a vast variety of clients in two languages and on three continents since then. He specializes in positive adult behavioral change, sports, habits, fears, academics, testing, and difficult emotional issues. He has a particular specialty, and has literally written the book on, treating pediatric irritable bowel syndrome with hypnosis (Hypnosis for Children with IBS and Tummy Ache).
Something of a Renaissance polymath, Robert has a master’s degree in management and research methods, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology. He is also a certified massage therapist, a Reiki master teacher, an advanced black belt in a non-violent form of karate, and an ordained interfaith minister. He has lived and worked in Arizona, California, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, Hawaii, Colorado and Idaho; as well as in Nicaragua and Panamá. He is a published author of research papers, national and statewide healthcare plans and other public documents, and something over $4.0 Million in successful grant applications.
In addition to Unlocking the Blueprint of the Psyche, he is the author of five other books, which can be found at www.amazon.com/author/hughesrob. Two of his other books are about hypnosis, two are collections of spiritual and holistic essays, and one is a collection of poetry. All are available in both electronic and paperback formats, and are all available for loan through Kindle Unlimited.
In 2022, Robert fully retired, and relocated from Boise, Idaho to the small mountain town of Salida, Colorado. Although he no longer practices hypnosis with clients, he does sell 70+ self-hypnosis recordings on a wide variety of topics, and he consults with other hypnotists and anyone curious about hypnosis. Anyone wishing to contact him is welcome to email him at the address below. He spends his time exploring his new home, training his dog, and visiting with his wife’s children and grandchildren, as well as with his two late-life blessings, his children Eleanor and Owen.
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